Barefoot through life...............

....under my socks at least in the winter!!!

Location: By the Sea, Edinburgh

Friday, February 18, 2005

Sorry but no more blogg entries from me

This is not going to be updated, but it feel wierd leaving it hanging there. A bit like an old bit of tinsel that just gets left. Will it ever disapear? Is there like a blogg hoover that will suck it right out of ciber space into the void beyond. What is the void beyond ciber space. Where do things go when you loose them or wipe them here. Do they truelly no longer exist. Or is it like the polar ice caps were all the pollutants and crap of our industrialised world end up and build up.

Am feeling really raw today as I saw a film called Turtles can fly.

And I only found out about the existance of a beautiful man Martin Bennit after he died. But the world is truelly a better place for him being in it. I always seem to turn up at the end of stuff and never the begining. So here I am at the end of this, I was at the begining to so I just disproved myself, but it still feels like that.
