Barefoot through life...............

....under my socks at least in the winter!!!

Location: By the Sea, Edinburgh

Sunday, December 05, 2004


Today I realised that the pain I feel when I see my familly is my anger at God when I just wonder God what the fuck are you doing. Can't you give them a break. And then I don't want to see them cause I don't want to think this of you God, but I do just want to scream, then run away and not see them, then like tonight I see my Dad and I love him, and see Mum and I love her, and I just break inside when I see how hard they try, and how much they give out but still stuff is just so crap for them somthimes and I just want them to be happy, I just want things to go right for them for once, but it never seems to and it guts me, totally.....
Worst thing is I know I am meant to pray for them but I don't, haven't for about a month. I don't know what to pray, or how too.

Lord Please please please help them to find joy in their pain, and hope in there struggles. Thank you for the Hope that I have in you, all that you have done for me. You are amazing well you created the world, and yeah sorry I don't help to keep it beautiful. Holy Spirit I need you, more of you, when I am week your strength is made perfect..Phew thats a bit lucky. Lord that means your strength is made perfect in this situation too thank you. Amen


Blogger barefoot said...

Aaaaaghhhhhhhhhhhh........need sleep.

3:51 AM  
Blogger pine-cones said...

Beef Stew? A muddy ewe. Baaaa!
Kangaroo. A caledonian yew tree. A shoe... a hibernating shrew... no, wait, it's CHOCOLATE FONDUE!!!

This is one of my favourite blogs written by one of my favourite people. So there! Rasberrys to you, FLFLFFLFLFFLFLFL!

Do i owe you a strawberry lattice pie thingy?

5:43 PM  

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